Neal A. Maxwell

"Within the swirling global events- events from which we are not totally immune- is humanity's real and continuting struggle: whether or not, amid the cares of the world, we really choose, in the words of the Lord, to "care for the life of the soul." Whatever our anxious involvements with outward events, this inner struggle proceeds in both tranquil and turbulent times. Whether understood or recognized, this is the unchanging moral agendum from generation to generation."

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Spring has sprung and I'm so happy for the sunshine! I remember at BYU, that first day of "warm," students speckled the dead lawns across campus like ants on sticky bun. The transformation was always stark- almost comical. One day students would be drearily trudging along and the next Frisbees would be whizzing overhead and a jovial buzz was audible in every area of campus. We have hit that moment. Bring on the warm weather!

I'm excited for all the summer adventures that are about to happen. I don't know specifically what they all will be but I'm hoping for a back packing trip, lots of outdoors kind of stuff, and a rendezvous. Yes. A rendezvous. I'm even scheming to work in some cattle ranching in Wyoming. Eating fish tacos on the patio at Lonestar? There will be plenty of that. At least one more effort for an open-water swim triathlon? Yes. Oh, and some ocean time. Every summer requires ocean time. Maybe I'll learn to surf.

Summer, I missed you!


Jess said...

Wanna bask with me in the gazebo? I feel as if it needs to be used at least once while we live here.

Charlotte Lundell said...

I agree! I think we should find a picnic table for it... or refer to Blane for one. What do you think our chances would be?