Neal A. Maxwell

"Within the swirling global events- events from which we are not totally immune- is humanity's real and continuting struggle: whether or not, amid the cares of the world, we really choose, in the words of the Lord, to "care for the life of the soul." Whatever our anxious involvements with outward events, this inner struggle proceeds in both tranquil and turbulent times. Whether understood or recognized, this is the unchanging moral agendum from generation to generation."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Election Season

I'll try to make this short.

If someone asked you to give yourself a grade on how you've done at your job and you answered "I" for incomplete, that would mean you dropped the ball, right?  All the "Incomplete" grades on my college transcript reflect moments when I took on more than I could handle and lost myself before I got going.  In no case does an incomplete grade reflect a job well done.  Yet, this is how Obama feels about his performance the last four years.  But he still wants your trust and your vote.

As I've listened to the voices of conservative media abuzz with arguments against Obama, I've noticed something missing.  Rightfully, conservative voices are fixated on the failing and flailing economy.  The numbers (job growth, unemployment, etc) are so damning to Obama's case for himself.  And while I appreciate the concern about the economy, it isn't my number one complaint against Obama and his party.  My complaint is the turning away from the foundational principles that this country has been built on and the disregard for the constitution and what it advocates.  This turning away underscores a lack of historical understanding- missing the big picture of nations and the patterns of government throughout time all over the world.  I see the democratic party being lulled by a pied piper.  The sound of "affordable education,""health care for all," and compassionate social programs fall softly on there ears of those listening, but in the mean time people are led away from the great vision of America:  Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.

I don't appreciate that my government does not trust my compassion.  I don't appreciate that my government does not trust me and my community to love and take care of our own.  Yes, it sounds wonderful to guarantee all certain privileges.  But that isn't freedom.  And if we except that our government can dictate what privileges we will guarantee everyone, we are vulnerable to being forced to support those things that go against our values.  Whomever is in power will be able to force us to exercise compassion how he or she sees fit.  Not how we see fit.  Why should I be forced to pay for my cohorts birth control including abortions?  Why should I be forced to support my cohorts lives as they wallow in addictions and base lifestyles?  Is this the best way I know to change lives for good and to exercise compassion effectively?  No.

I also don't like that the democratic party tries to burden the American people with guilt for who we are and what our past has been.  They would have me carry a burden of guilt for all past and present imperialistic objectives.  Why?  Why would they have me feel shame for being an American?  Whom have we wronged?  They want all nations to sit at the table as equals and would like the United States to step down as the world power.  Why not raise other nations up with us?  How long did China maintain world dominance?  What great principle informs this desire to avoid greatness?  We are good people with good values who help other nations and are glad to do it.  Anxious even.

Okay, I'm done.  To bed.

1 comment:

Abinadi said...

Go Ron Paul!